In JavaScript, stack and heap memory are two areas where the language manages memory for variables and data during the execution of a program. Understanding these concepts helps clarify how JavaScript handles data storage, memory allocation, and garbage collection.

Stack Memory:

Key Characteristics:

  1. Fast access: Memory allocation and deallocation in the stack are quick because of its linear structure.
  2. Limited size: Stack memory is typically smaller and limited compared to heap memory.
  3. Temporary storage: Data is cleared when the function execution is complete or the variable goes out of scope.


function add(a, b) {
  let sum = a + b; // `a`, `b`, and `sum` are stored in the stack.
  return sum;
add(3, 4);

Heap Memory:

Key Characteristics:

  1. Dynamic allocation: Memory is allocated and managed dynamically as needed during runtime.
  2. Garbage collection: The JavaScript engine (e.g., V8 in Chrome) automatically clears unused objects in the heap via garbage collection.